Hygienist Appointments

A dental hygienist is a dental professional who helps patients maintain their oral health by preventing and treating gum disease and promoting good oral health practice. Regular hygienist visits will improve the appearance of your smile, make it easier to keep your teeth clean at home and aid in the early detection and treatment of gum disease.


What to expect from a hygienist visit

The length of your appointment will vary depending on your individual need however, it will normally vary between 30-40 minutes which includes preparation and clear down time. The hygienist will assess the health of your gums, clean off calculus (hardened plaque) deposits, polish your teeth and provide you with detailed information on the most suitable oral hygiene aids/ methods to practice.

A combination of hand instruments and an ultrasonic scaler will be used to clean your teeth; an ultrasonic scaler vibrates at a high frequency to remove calculus build up.

The frequency at which you are recommended to visit the hygienist will depend on the health and condition of your gums but will normally vary between 3, 6 or 12 months. If you have not had an examination by a Peppermint dentist within the last two years the hygienist will not be able to see you and you may loose your patient status. Your hygienist may recommend a more regular dental examination before they will see you if required. Our hygienist no longer provides direct referral hygiene service, you must be registered with us for full dental treatment to receive hygiene treatment.

Benefits of visiting the hygienist:

  • Prevention of gum disease. Regular visits to see the hygienist will ensure that gum disease is recognised early. It is paramount to diagnose and treat gum disease early because if left untreated it can lead to the mobility and the possible loss of teeth!

  • An oral hygiene regime that is tailored to your own dentition and individual needs will be recommended to you, ensuring you are aware of the most effective way to keep your mouth clean. You will be advised on the best products to use, when to use them and how to use them.

  • Dietary advice. If necessary, you may be advised on how to modify your eating habits to prevent dental decay, dental erosion and staining.

  • Fluoride application. Fluoride varnish can be applied to the teeth to aid in preventing dental decay and sensitivity.

  • Removal of dental stain. Coffee, red wine and smoking are among the many products that are responsible for causing dental stain. Not only will the removal of stains improve the appearance of your teeth but will also aid in their health.

  • Smoking cessation advice. The hygienist is able to provide you with information on the benefits of quitting smoking, the options available to help you quit and where you can seek further assistance and support with quitting.

Dental Therapist

A dental therapist is a dental professional that is able to perform several aspects of dental treatment direct to patients or under the prescription of a dentist. Such treatment includes restorative fillings on children and adult patients, extractions and pulp treatment on deciduous teeth, fissure sealants, x-rays, taking impressions and the placement of preformed metal crowns on primary teeth.